Step 1 enables a complete online publishing system, now you just need something to publish
For the example project I'm using an image from the pub's Facebook page.
Typomania has a simple settings systems that can be used for turning modules on and off, and for configuring global variables. The first things to set are 'Website name' and 'Website name mobile'. They're not technically essential, but can help with bookmarks and social media sharing.
In our example project 'Website name' has been set to 'The Red Lion, Swaffham Prior' and the mobile version to 'Red Lion SP'. The mobile version is used in the top menu bar when viewed on a small screen.
I've added an image, an intro, and I think the next thing should be opening hours. I think this should probably go in the 'footer' along with the contact details, as this information is likely to be what more than 50% of the website's audience will want to know.
The next thing I expect people might want to know, is detail of any upcoming events. These could be entered as text in a page, but let's use Typomania 'Events' module to help keep things consistent. Some modules need to be enabled to work, but events are enabled by default and can be accessed though in the admin area via the main 'home' drop-down menu.
As the module is already active, adding an event is easy but there are no obvious ways for visitors to find them unless we add the events to a page as a feed, or add a navigation menu item, or both. Adding a link to the navigation is the simplest option. There's a '+' sign in the navigation bar in the admin area which pops up an 'Add category/section' form. Enter the word 'Events', click the save button, and you'll be redirected to your new website section. Use the drop down menu option to make the section public and your visitors can immediately navigation to your events page.
Many of Typomania's modules can be used as feeds simply by selecting an option in a dropdown menu. To add the events module to a page, enable the events module fully on the settings page then click the + button and select "Events" and save - it's that simple.
Coming up... Photo Galleries, Menus, Sign-up/sign-in, weekly emails and more - all by selecting options and adding content - no code required!